Vol. 4 No 1-2 (2023): JMBSR Vol. 4 Issue 1-2, 2023

					Afficher Vol. 4 No 1-2 (2023): JMBSR Vol. 4 Issue 1-2, 2023


The Editor-in-Chief and other members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Medical and Basic Scientific Research (JMBSR) are pleased to present to you the latest edition of this journal (vol 4, issue 1-2). This volume is packed with interesting and ground breaking articles true to the objectives of the journal of promoting biomedical research and contributing to bridging the wide knowledge gap that exists between the developed and developing societies. It is our hope that this medium will serve our teaming researchers in narrowing the huge gap in publication output that exist in low and middle income countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa

The unique qualities of this journal of providing easily accessible platform, with wide local and international visibility for our vibrant scientists and medical professionals in the fields of clinical medicine, basic sciences and allied health sciences are aimed for our authors to leverage up on to disseminate their potentially impactful researche and thereby accelerating knowledge base, scientific discoveries in addition to enhanced personal career development.  .......Read More

Prof. M. Ahmed

Editor-in Chief







Publiée: 2023-03-12

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