Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): New Edition of JMBSR

The Journal of Medical and Basic Scientific Research (JMBSR) has recorded remarkable growth since its inception two years ago. Our modest achievements have come as a result of the huge support we receive from our sponsors, editorial team members, publisher, and the inestimable contribution of our reviewers. We have also continued to strive toward improving the quality of our services and the experiences of our clients. The contribution of our teaming authors remains the bedrock of our success and we owe them profound gratitude for their trust and continued patronage.
This issue has again lived up to the promise of delivering high-quality research from our hardworking authors to our readers, thus making the research outcomes easily available and accessible to the general public. It is very heartwarming that the journal has remained consistent and resolute in achieving its predominant goal of bridging the huge gap in publication output that exists particularly for researchers in Low and Middle-income countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. We continue to urge our esteemed authors to strictly abide by the instructions for submission to minimize delays in the publication process.
On behalf of the entire editorial board, our collaborators, and the publisher, we welcome you to this issue. Thank you and warm personal regards.
Prof. M. Ahmed